Wednesday, January 30, 2008
{ 10:14 PM }
hais..ii habing a headache 0ver which c0l0ur 0f this skirt ii sh0uld buy?s0 can any0ne wh0 passed by tis bl0g jz gib miie a c0mment 0n wich c0l0ur t0 buy,prettaye puhlease?hahaha..
this is blue c0l0ur 0f c0s..hahah..
this 0ne is watermel0n-red..s0rry the pics are abit pixellated..
and jz t0 sh0w euu tis she chi0?prettaye..sure al0t 0f guys will g0 salivating 0n seeing her..btw she's 18 tis year 0nly..
and she 0s0 g0t a bl0gsh0p..al0t 0f ppl g0 t0 her bl0g t00..
her bl0gsh0p addy is
she's a typical party girl..wh0 g0 party al0t, sh0pping al0t, makan al0t, and she d0 abit 0f m0delling t00..
Labels: fashion, pictures
Thursday, January 24, 2008
{ 11:49 PM }

Stall Name : Made With Love
Food Type : Western
Address : 68,Orchard Road,Plaza Singapura,#03-21
Telephone : 68373464
Operating Hours : 星期日至星期四: 11am - 9pm 星期五及星期六: 11am - 9.30pm
当你被鲜艳多姿的彩色纸“包围”着喝咖啡,单调的饮料也变得 “缤纷”。
“Made With Love”是家售卖剪贴簿材料的专卖店,在琳琅满目的漂亮纸张、彩色笔里头,有个“隐秘”Cafe角落,可闻咖啡、蛋糕香味飘香。
热饮中,Hazelnut Latte($5.50)最受欢迎,咖啡加上榛子味、浓浓的牛奶,适合喜欢淡淡、甜甜,咖啡不太重的口味。
Rootbeer Float($5.50)则属冷饮中最吃香的,毕竟Rootbeer 加香草雪糕总是讨好的。
Rootbeer Float要能令人回味无穷,一半靠Rootbeer,另一半靠其香草雪糕,这里的香草雪糕够密实,带点咬劲,口感十足。
Labels: food, western
Sunday, January 20, 2008
{ 11:05 AM }
haha..ytd a funny ting c0s supp0sed t0 g0 sent0sa n meet rad n bf at viv0 f0untain but due t0 a technical pr0blem we went t0 w00dlands instead we t00k the bus g0ing back instead 0f g0ing t0 lar f0rg0t t0 see the r0ad map f0r the bus s0 we g0 the wr0ng way..=.="..and ii din b0ther t0 see 0s0 c0s ii trust him t00 much...heh..xP..0ky ii will p0st a few pics in n0w..
n0w n0w wad is rad trying t0 d0 s0ak her leg in the water?
hey a nice pic t0 start 0ff the trip..smiles..:)
hey vin ppl wanna be cl0se t0gether cnt arh?lyk dat euu buay s0ng..
wad is dat t00tpid funny rad face she's trying t0 d0?
we are 0n the skyride taking a pic n rad has ph0bia 0f heights..well n0t al0t actually..but taking the ride at first is abit scary f0r them ii tink..xD
they 0n the skyride..s0 cl0se...x)
Labels: funnies, outings
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
{ 11:38 PM }
actually ii dun wished t0 take leave t0day but Linda say mus clear 0ff 0ur newyear/xmas eve extra day s0 ii take t0day l0r..but when ii w0ke up t0day my head is 0ky after taking brunch ii started having migraine..0h shyt..the day is wasted..hais..but ii still manage t0 make myself take bus t0 meet vin at tanglin mall..den take keys & g0 his hse t0 take a rest & played abit game..>.<..hah..ii knw ii shudn't d0 dat but..euu knw...f0rever a game addict means addicted lia0x wad.hhahaha..and den ii jz spend my time h0me al0ne at his t00tpid hse..=)..ii din manage t0 finish my brunch btw 0nly lyk 1/3 0f a packet..and den vin buy vege rice yet ii can eat finish haha..ii dunknw yy lar..gila miie..and my t00tpid s0rethr0at/c0ugh haben 0ky yet..quick quick be 0ky huh..hais..x(...
Labels: mood, offday
Friday, January 04, 2008
{ 4:06 PM }

新动网第一时间报道,新加坡搞笑老将MC King(蓝钦熹)今天下午2时半左右接到他暴毙的消息。 目前,新传媒的艺人联络组正在医院,因为正忙于了解MC King的情况,无法接受新动网的访问。不过,工作人员已经确认MC King暴毙之事,只是详情还很模糊。
MC King原本隶属艺人公司J-Team,半年前才跳槽到新传媒。
他的前同事Ms Tan说,她也刚接获MC King暴毙的消息,一瞬间难以接受,很难过。
“我刚在圣诞节前,National Treasure的首映礼碰到他,那时他很开朗、活泼,我还跟他开玩笑,问他是否最近减肥成功,因为他好像瘦了一点。” MC King消瘦,是不是因为有暗病?Ms Tan表示,从来都不晓得MC King有什么暗病,而当时碰到他也只不过瘦了一点,看似不像有病缠身。 MC King加入新传媒后,仍然在娱乐圈内保持活跃,上过不少综艺节目。 新动网将继续为您追踪报道,千万可要锁定浏览。
Labels: news
{ 12:58 AM }
yays..a new year a new m0nth a new bl0gskin..haha..ytd was a bad luck day f0r miie..firstly 0ways a girl's affair 0n every m0nth euu knw..hhaha..=X..and den s0me t00tpid ting jz dr0p 0n the sky 0n my head..nah its s0meting t0 d0 with w0rk wich ii dun wished t0 t0k b0ut le..and den the t00tpid chipmunk 0rnament 0n my hp strap jz dr0p d0wn fr0m n0where wich ii dun even knw whr ii dr0pped it,maybe 0n the bus..?and den jz quarrel with my m0ther when ii reached h0me..shyt lar..suddenly ii feel s0 unlucky..and den viny h0ng is stuck s0mewhr near my place at a wedding dinner..jz suddenly feel s0 l0nely again..wanna find s0me0ne t0 t0k t0..but n0ne..kinda depressed 0nce ii t0t b0ut w0rk..0n the way h0me ii tink ii hab g0ne crazy c0s ii see images in my hp moving alth0ugh my hp screen is black..o.O..nvm..jz let miie drift 0ff t0 sleep..(depressed)
Labels: designs, mood, work